Feature article (warning – long post)
*the more things change, the more things remain the same
One of the primary objectives of Nigeria’s oil and gas industry reform has been to create a more efficient state-owned oil company (“SOC”). Government officials have often named the SOCs of Brazil – Petrobras, Norway – Statoil and Malaysia – Petronas, amongst others, as comparator companies on which the restructured national oil company would be modelled. The various drafts of the Petroleum Industry Bill (“PIB”) have proposed different reform alternatives culminating in the structural reform proposed in the Petroleum Industry Bill 2012 (the “Bill”). This article seeks to review the reform structure proposed under the Bill and to critically analyse the choices made. As our title suggests, it is our view that although several changes have been made, the fundamental issues surrounding the inefficiency of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (“NNPC”) remain untouched and will continue to plague the industry in the immediate future if these reforms are passed into law. Continue reading “NNPC reforms under the Petroleum Industry Bill 2012: Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose*”